Jim Reger - Topics
Biography | Topics | Client List
The Authentic Leader - It's About PRESENCE, Not Position
Authentic leaders energize, engage and focus others to operate at their full potential. They have the ability to turn a vision of a desired future into reality with and through the passionate cooperation of others.
Living a Life of Meaning and Significance ...Our Higher Purpose
Those who are clear about their true purpose are self-motivated to give life their best all of the time with the knowledge that everyone benefits when they do – their organizations, their families, their communities – and most importantly, themselves. Jim Reger will take you on a journey to clarity about living a balanced life on purpose with deeper meaning, significance, and contentment.
Creating a Shared Vision - Successful Succession Planning
This session will explore the challenges faced by business families as they move through the life cycles from generation to generation – and will present some of the lessons learned about how to organize and deal with the special dynamics involved with succession and other unique family business issues.
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