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Living a Life of Meaning and Significance…
Our Higher Purpose

Presenter: Jim Reger
Format: Keynote and/or Workshop


This unique presentation will inspire, engage, entertain and challenge you.
Our higher purpose is where we have our greatest passions. When we are living a life of purpose we are living a life of passion.

Drawing from the ancient sages like Aristotle, whose notion that “lives of virtue are lived in the pursuit of individual happiness”; and Socrates’ suggestion that “our work in this life is to know thyself”; to modern thinkers like Joseph Campbell who tells us to “follow our bliss”; Jim Reger will take you on a journey to clarity about living a balanced life on purpose with deeper meaning, significance, and contentment.

Those who are clear about their true purpose are self-motivated to give life their best all of the time with the knowledge that everyone benefits when they do – their organizations, their families, their communities – and most importantly, themselves. And in the process of living an authentic life of true purpose their stronger presence amplifies their personal impact on others.

Deciding that you will be the author of your own story, the artist of your life’s painting, is the most important step in living a life with a higher purpose. If you have already begun this journey you will be re-invigorated to pursue it. If you are not yet clear, you will gain the clarity, insight and acknowledgement that your craft is the art of living and that you are your own work of art.