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Authentic Leadership in Public Service:
Building a Respectful, Healthy Workplace through Integrity and Values Alignment

Presenter: David Irvine
Format: Workshops – 2 Workshops described below
Target Audience: (one for Leadership Teams and one for Employees in Public Service)


The world is changing so rapidly that leadership is not the same as it was ten years ago. Leadership cannot even be described the way it used to be. Leadership development is at the end of the “flavor of the month” era with temporary and superficial leadership formulas. We are yearning for our leaders to get past the gimmicks, the rhetoric, and the fads, and be real – to live the espoused and expected values, ethics, and codes of conduct instead of merely paying them lip service.

Your actions, as leaders in the public service, make a tremendous difference in the lives of those you serve and the cultures you lead. In your own authentic way, you all play a vital role in creating a healthy work environment. In this personal, provocative, and practical session, David will share his profoundly human perspective on leadership and life. Come prepared for an inspirational and thought-provoking message to renew the public service, your work, and yourself. You will leave with a concrete and simple message accompanied by practical tools to apply immediately in your workplace.

Making Integrity Real:
Values and ethics are a part of organizational rhetoric today, but what does it mean, in practical terms, to walk your talk? What is your responsibility as a leader? How do you measure integrity? How do you move from lip service to full service? What does it mean to be a person of principle, to earn credibility as a leader by being a person of strong character? What are the benefits – and risks – to being an ethical person? How do values, ethics, and codes of conduct relate to building a respectful, inclusive, healthy workplace?

Building a Respectful Workplace:
Everybody’s saying that we want respect in our workplace. As vital as respecting others and acting respectfully to others is, a respectful workplace is built on the foundation of self-respect. Self-respect results from a combination of living life in accord with your values, and keeping your promises to others. What does a respectful workplace really look like? How does a respectful workplace relate to a healthy workplace? What are practical ways to transform the rhetoric of respect into accountable action that will uplift, inspire, and encourage others to be all they can be?

Communication Strategies:
Values play a huge role in organizational life. Employees are much more satisfied, and you get much more from them, when their values are aligned with organizational values. But values are not what you espouse. Values are how you act. How do you communicate with those that report to you in a way that ensures consistent behaviour between personal and organizational values? How do you invite conversations that lead to a respectful and healthy workplace?


"Healthy organizations start with healthy people."

Your personal choices and actions as employees in the public service make a tremendous difference in building a respectful and healthy workplace. Your behaviour can have both a positive and a negative impact on others. In this personal, provocative, and practical session, David will share his perspective for building a respectful, healthy workplace through personal integrity and values alignment. Come prepared for an inspirational, thought-provoking, and interactive session to renew the public service, your work, and yourself. You will leave with a concrete and simple message accompanied by practical tools to apply immediately in your workplace.

Making Integrity Real:
Values and ethics are a part of organizational rhetoric today, but what does it mean, in practical terms, to be an employee that has integrity? What is your responsibility as an employee? What are the benefits – and risks – to being an ethical person in your organization? Why are values alignment and ethical behaviour so important to a respectful workplace? What are the benefits of having a code of conduct, and how can you use a code of conduct to build a healthy, respectful workplace? How do values, ethics, and codes of conduct relate to building a respectful, inclusive, healthy workplace?

Building a Respectful Workplace:
Everybody’s saying that we want respect in our workplace. As vital as respecting others and acting respectfully to others is, a respectful workplace is built on the foundation of self-respect. Self-respect results from a combination of living life in accord with your values, and keeping your promises to others. What does a respectful workplace really look like? How does respect – for self and others – build a healthy, diverse workplace?

Personal Leadership:
Leadership in today’s workplace is not a position. Leadership is a decision. If you have decided to do your part to build a respectful, healthy workplace, rather than depending on your boss to “do it for you,” then you are, by definition, a leader. Personal leadership is about taking accountability to find and express your unique gifts in the service of others. Personal leadership is deciding to shift from being an “employee who is ‘entitled’” to a “citizen who contributes.” How does knowing – and living – in accord with your highest values, and aligning these with the expectations of the organization, lead to both fulfillment and productivity at work? What are the strategies for dealing with value conflict? How can you build values alignment that ensures a respectful workplace?